Jay Silver
PhD Researcher
Jay Silver is a PhD Researcher in the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at MIT Media Lab, and he is currently working at Intel Research helping them develop a Maker Culture. He cofounded Joy Labs, Experiendipity, and Beginners’ Mind. Time named one of his inventions “Top 15 Toys for Young Geniuses,” and he has put out many creative platforms including Drawdio, Singing Fingers, and Scratch, collectively in the hands of millions. Jay studied electrical engineering at Georgia Tech where he was named Engineer of the Year. He was awarded a Gates Scholarship to earn a master’s in Internet Technology from Cambridge University. He also holds a master’s in Media Arts and Sciences from MIT Media Lab where he invented “Camera for the Invisible.” Jay has faith that being a romantic is of the utmost importance. Some other names for romance are: spontaneity, silliness, civil disobedience, oneness, empathy…