Local TEDx Event Looking for Speakers
Potential speakers are being sought for the upcoming TedxSanta Cruz event on June 11.
Nominations are due by March 1.
TedXSanta Cruz will feature 15 to 25 extraordinary speakers who will share their passionate views on a variety of subjects — addressing the theme “Engage!” There will be four sessions with the broad headings Open–Think– Grow–and Act. TEDxSantaCruz is looking for people with meaningful stories to tell about our themes.
TED conferences are internationally renowned. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design — three broad subject areas that shape our future. In recent years, the event has broadened further to include TEDx events, which showcase ideas that matter in any discipline. The TED conference itself provides general guidance for TEDx programs, but individual TEDx events — like the upcoming event in Santa Cruz — are independently organized.
Great storytellers with experiences to share that could affect us all are the centerpiece of the TEDx event. Potential speakers could be from a variety of life experiences, and the goal of the selection process is to find interesting, passionate, and engaged presenters.
“Speakers at a TEDx conference provoke the audience to open their hearts and minds, to think new thoughts, to dream new dreams, and to take actions they would not have taken otherwise. We’re seeking applications from anyone who wants to engage our audience with new ideas and perspectives,” said David Warren, the organizer of TEDxSanta Cruz.
Further guidelines and an application form are available online — at https://tedxsantacruz.org. Those interested can apply themselves or nominate others for the event.