Sponsoring TEDxSantaCruz
If you own or represent a company that wants to explore opportunities for partnering with TEDxSantaCruz in 2024, read on!
We are reaching out to businesses, organizations, and individuals to help underwrite our TEDx event. Sponsors provide various levels of financial support and create a unique partnership with an organization devoted to the power of ideas to change the world.
We think this is an excellent way to promote your business to our audience of engaged community members, reinforcing your position as a leader in the community. Partners who provide in-kind donations have the opportunity to share their products and services with the TEDxSantaCruz community during events throughout the year. Year-long sponsors and partners of TEDxSantaCruz are recognized at conferences, viewing parties, and events year-round.
Learn more about 2024 sponsorship opportunities.
To contact us about sponsorships, please send an email to tedxscruz@gmail.com.